Untapped Talent – Getting Involved

Coordinated by Patricia Lucarelli

Hosted by The Social Tree Foundation/Career Center


The Social Tree Foundation will be launching a free of charge program called “Untapped Talent” at the end of September 2022.  The goal of this virtual program is to provide guidance and a better understanding of the different career paths for individuals on the autism spectrum.

This program is also geared toward encouraging individuals on the autism spectrum to self-advocate, to learn about different career paths and about inclusive workplaces, to learn best methods on how to grow in their choice of career and to develop employee/employer relationships.

We welcome all career-oriented individuals who are on the autism spectrum and are either college or university students, as well as individuals already in careers (junior/senior) and are looking to change jobs.

Once a month we will have special guest speakers talking about their educational and professional trajectories. We will also have special guest speakers from different inclusive organisations speaking about triumphs and successful stories from having hired neurodiverse candidates.

 Topic of discussions will also include:

–          personal triumphs and challenges

–          methods of improving their skills

–          what the day-to-day work entails and where certain fields can lead you

–          likelihood of getting work in that field and salary ranges

–          what are some of the career demands

–          changing careers with the studies obtained

–          does this career implicate working alone or in teams

–          what are some of the potential challenges

–          what is most satisfying about this type of work

–          what are the skill set requirements

–          what is the stress level

–          what adjustments and strategies have organisations adapted to become inclusive

–          should disclosing being on the autism spectrum be encouraged

We encourage everyone (college students, university students and job seekers) to email the Social Tree Foundation (info@thesocialtreeautism.org) with requests on which career fields and organisations they would like to learn about.